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faq How does IDrive® e2 calculate service charges for the Pay As You Go pricing model?
faq Does IDrive® e2 have a minimum storage fee for the Pay As You Go pricing model?
faq Can I pay annually for my account?
faq Does IDrive® e2 have a minimum storage duration policy?
faq Does IDrive® e2 levy any additional charges?
faq Are there any limitations on data retention and upload?
faq Can I upload data beyond my subscribed plan?
faq How does the free egress policy in IDrive® e2 work?

How does IDrive® e2 calculate service charges for the Pay As You Go pricing model?

IDrive® e2 calculates the service charge based on the amount of active storage used during the billing cycle. There are no additional charges for ingress, egress, data deletion, and API requests.

Does IDrive® e2 have a minimum storage fee for the Pay As You Go pricing model?

Yes, IDrive® e2 charges a minimum storage fee of $5 associated with 1 TB of active cloud storage. If you store less than 1 TB, you will still be charged for the entire 1 TB.

For example, if you store 900 GB with IDrive e2 for the duration of a billing cycle, this is less than the 1 TB monthly minimum storage volume. Therefore, you will still be charged $5 for the 1 TB base storage.

Can I pay annually for my account?

Yes, you can choose to make payments annually by subscribing to a yearly plan.

To subscribe to a plan,

  1. Sign in to IDrive® e2 account via any browser.
  2. Go to 'Billing' > 'Plan Options'.
  3. Select a yearly plan and update your payment information if required.
  4. Click 'Subscribe'.

Does IDrive® e2 have a minimum storage duration policy?

Yes, IDrive® e2 enforces a minimum storage duration of 30 days.

Here's how it works:

    If you delete an object before it has been stored for 30 days, you will be charged for the remaining days up to the 30th day as if the object was still stored. This is known as Deleted Storage.

Here's a breakdown for understanding:

  1. Active Storage: This is the storage for objects currently in your IDrive® e2 bucket. You pay for this as long as the objects exist.
  2. Deleted Storage: If you delete an object before the minimum storage duration (30 days), you will continue to be charged for this object as if it were still there for the remaining period.

Example 1 : Yearly - If you are on a 10 TB Yearly plan.

  • You upload 10 TB of data on Day 1.
    Active Storage is : 10 TB
  • You delete all 10 TB of data after 10 days.
    Active Storage is : 0 TB and Deleted Storage is: 10 TB
  • You upload another 10 TB on Day 11.
    Active Storage is : 10 TB and Deleted Storage is: 10TB
  • Deleted Storage from Deletion: For 20 days (from day 11 to day 30), the 10 TB you deleted is still counted towards your storage.
  • Total Usage: 10 TB active + 10 TB deleted = 20 TB total usage from Day 11 to Day 30.
  • Your plan only covers 10 TB, but now your total storage demand exceeds this by 10 TB due to the combination of active and deleted storage.
  • Overage Charges: For the days you exceed your 10 TB limit, which is every day from day 11 to day 30, you will be charged for the overage at IDrive® e2's pay-as-you-go rate for the extra 10 TB.

Example 2 : Yearly - If you are on a 10 TB Yearly plan.

  • You upload 5 TB of data and keep it for 10 days.
  • You delete this 5 TB of data after 10 days.
  • Cost for Active Storage: There's no additional charge within the 10 TB limit for active storage. However, this usage contributes to your total capacity usage for the year.
  • Deleted Storage Period and charges:
    1. Days to Complete 30 Days: From day 11 to day 30 = 20 days.
    2. Cost for Deleted Storage: Since this is within your reserved capacity (10TB), you will not be charged extra for the deleted storage as long as your total active + deleted storage does not exceed 10 TB at any given time.

Example 3 : Pay-As-You-Go - If you upload 1 TB of data and delete it after 15 days.

  • You would be charged for 15 days of Active Storage.
  • Then, for the next 15 days (to complete the 30-day minimum), you would be charged for Deleted Storage.

Does IDrive® e2 levy any additional charges?

Unlike competitors, IDrive® e2 does not charge for uploads, downloads, or file deletions, subject to the free egress policy. Store data on the cloud and manage them remotely without any hidden charges.

Are there any limitations on data retention and upload?

IDrive® e2 does not implement any data lock-in period or limit the minimum file upload size. Secure archives and daily operation objects on the cloud without any additional costs.

Can I upload data beyond my subscribed plan?

Yes, IDrive® e2 allows you to upload data beyond the allocated quota to ensure there are no disruptions to your operations. However, when you exceed account storage limit, there may be an overuse charge of $0.005/GB/Month. To avoid these charges, you may upgrade to higher storage plans.

How does the free egress policy in IDrive® e2 work?

The free egress policy in IDrive® e2 is designed to ensure that users can store, download, and access data at a reasonable rate without burdening our service. Here are the guidelines used to determine a good fit use case for e2's egress policy.

Good fit - If the monthly egress (download) is less than or equal to thrice the storage quota.

Example: If you store 100 TB with IDrive® e2 and download 300 TB or less within a monthly billing cycle, then your storage use case is a good fit for our policy.


  • If your use case exceeds the guidelines of our free egress policy, we reserve the right to charge $0.01/GB/Month. In the case of free accounts, your account will be suspended.
  • Up to 10 Gbps connection speed available for egress.