Event Notifications

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faq How can I add an ARN (Amazon Resource Name)?
faq How do I add bucket event notifications?

How can I add an ARN (Amazon Resource Name)?

You can add an ARN (Amazon Resource Name) when creating a new event notification for a bucket, or through the settings tab.

To add an ARN,

  1. Sign in in to your IDrive® e2 account and go to 'Settings'.
  2. Navigate to 'Event Notifications' and click 'Add Credentials'.
  3. Add either AWS or custom credentials.
  4. Add an ARN using AWS credentials:
    • Enter a name for the ARN.
    • Select the AWS region from the dropdown.
    • Enter the AWS access key.
    • Enter the AWS secret access key.
  5. Click 'Fetch ARN'.

    The ARN linked to the provided AWS credentials will be listed.

    Note: We only support SQS and SNS ARN's for AWS workflow.

    To Add an ARN using Custom credentials,

    • Enter a name for the ARN.
    • Enter the access key
    • Enter the secret access key.
    • Enter the endpoint.
    • Enter the account ID.
    • Enter a queue name.
  6. Click 'Add Credentials'.


    • At least one region must be enabled in the e2 account to add custom credentials.
    • We only support SQS for the Custom credentials.

Based on the above details, a Custom ARN will be created.

How do I add bucket event notifications?

You can add event notifications to a bucket after its creation or through the settings tab.

To add bucket event notifications,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account and go to 'Buckets'.
  2. Navigate to bucket > .
  3. Click 'Add Event Notifications'.
  4. Under 'General Configuration', provide the following details:
    • Event name: Enter a name for the event.
    • Prefix (Optional): Specify a prefix to receive notifications only for objects whose names start with the specified characters.
    • Suffix (Optional): Specify a suffix to receive notifications only for objects whose names end with the specified characters.
    • Event Types:
      1. Object Creation: Select options for events related to object creation.
      2. Object Removal: Select options for events related to lifecycle expiration.
      3. Object Lifecycle: Select options for events related to object removal.
  5. Under 'Destination', select an ARN from the dropdown.
    • You can also add a new ARN if required by clicking 'Add Credentials'.
  6. Click 'Enable'.