
If your question is not addressed below, contact us through our and we will get back to you shortly.

faq How do I add objects within a bucket?
faq How do I copy multiple files simultaneously within a bucket?
faq How do I move or transfer multiple files simultaneously within a bucket?
faq Can I add tags for an object?
faq How do I retrieve the data stored in my IDrive® e2 account?
faq What happens when you overwrite an object with the same key?
faq What happens when data (file or object) is deleted?

Object Locking

faq What is object locking in buckets?
faq What is versioning in buckets?
faq What is bucket audit logging and how do I enable/disable it?
faq What is retention in buckets?
faq What is Legal Hold?

How do I add objects within a bucket?

The data you store in your IDrive® e2 account is designated as objects and are assigned metadata and a unique identifier. The size of an object may vary from a few bytes to several gigabytes.

Note: Object name cannot be more than 254 characters.

To add files within a bucket,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account and navigate to the 'Buckets' page.
  2. Click on the bucket where you want to store the file.
  3. Click to upload files and to upload folders. You can also use to create a new folder and upload files/folders within it.
  4. Select and upload the files from your computer. The upload progress will be displayed in the bottom-right corner.
    Note: You can click to abort a file upload.

Click corresponding to any object for information such as object size, date of last modification, access level, version ID, and, in the case of public access, also the object URL.

How do I copy multiple files simultaneously within a bucket?

You can simultaneously copy multiple files from one folder to another folder within a bucket.

To copy the files,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account and navigate to the 'Buckets' page.
  2. Click the required bucket. Select the files to copy, and click . A popup will appear.
    Note: You can select only up to 100 files at once.
  3. Choose a folder in the bucket for pasting the copied files. Click if you want to create a new folder to paste the files.
  4. Click 'Paste'.

    The progress will be displayed on the screen. You can click to cancel the ongoing operation.

A success message will be displayed once the files are copied to the selected folder.

Note: IDrive® e2 does not support copying the entire folder.

How do I move or transfer multiple files simultaneously within a bucket?

You can simultaneously move or transfer multiple files from one folder to another folder within a bucket.

To move the files,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account and navigate to the 'Buckets' page.
  2. Click the required bucket. Select the required files, and click . A popup will appear.

    Note: You can select only up to 100 files at once.

  3. Choose a folder in the bucket for moving the selected files. Click if you want to create a new folder to move the files.
  4. Click 'Move'.

    The progress will be displayed on the screen. You can click to cancel the ongoing operation.

A success message will be displayed once the files are moved to the selected folder.

Note: IDrive® e2 does not support moving the entire folder.

Can I add tags for an object?

Yes, you can add tags for an object. A tag has two parts - key and label. The key must be a unique term used only once as a tag for the object, whereas the value describes the tag further.

To add a tag,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account and navigate to the 'Buckets' page.
  2. Click on the bucket where the required file is stored
  3. Click on the object to open the object details.
  4. Click Add tag.
  5. Enter the Tag Key and Tag Label.
  6. Click Save.

How do I retrieve the data stored in my IDrive® e2 account?

Retrieve the data stored in your IDrive® e2 account from anywhere.

To download your files/objects via the IDrive® e2 web console,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account.
  2. Navigate to the 'Bucket' page.
  3. Click on the bucket from which you want to retrieve the files.
  4. Select the objects you want to download and click .
    Alternatively, hover over the required object and click .
  5. The IDrive® e2 web console does not provide the folder download option. Use an S3 compatible client to download a folder directory structure, or a large number of files/data. Know more >

What happens when you overwrite an object with the same key?

With Versioning Enabled: If versioning is enabled for your bucket, overwriting an object with the same key does not delete the old version. Instead, the previous version is preserved, and the new object becomes the latest version. You can still access earlier versions through the versioning API or interface.

Without Versioning: If versioning is not enabled, overwriting an object replaces the existing object entirely. The old object is permanently deleted, and only the new version is stored.

What happens when data (file or object) is deleted?

File deletions can occur when you delete an individual file, a parent folder, a bucket, or cancel an account. Once a file, folder, bucket, or account is deleted on IDrive® e2 through the API or Web Console, the content is permanently removed from IDrive® e2, and we cannot recover the deleted content.

What is object locking in buckets?

Object locking restricts the modification or deletion of an object. This helps secure the files present in the buckets from any malware or cyber threats. You can enable object locking while creating the bucket.

IDrive e2

Note: Object locking applies to individual objects. Users can enable/disable locking on any object in a bucket, if object lock is enabled for the bucket.

What is versioning in buckets?

When versioning is enabled for a bucket, every modification made to the objects in the bucket will be automatically saved as a new copy or version of the object. Versioning allows you to restore older versions of an object.

To restore versions of an object,

  1. Navigate to the 'Buckets tab', and click the bucket storing the required objects.
  2. Click on the object name to view 'Object details'.
  3. Go to the 'Versions' tab to view all versions of the object. Click next to the version you wish to restore.
  4. Click 'Restore' to confirm.
    IDrive e2

Alternatively, to restore versions of an object,

  1. In the 'Buckets' tab, click IDrive e2 on the top-right of the bucket to see versions of all objects in the bucket.
  2. Select the required versions and click . You can also click next to the version that you want to restore.
  3. The download progress will be displayed in the bottom-right corner.

Note: Click to abort the download.

What is bucket audit logging and how do I enable/disable it?

Bucket audit logging tracks and records all access to the bucket. When enabled, it creates a log file that captures details such as the types of access requests, the requested resources, and the date and time each request was processed.
You can enable bucket audit logging while creating a new bucket or for an existing one.

To enable bucket audit logging,

  1. Sign in to IDrive® e2 account via any browser.
  2. Navigate to the Buckets.
  3. Hover over the bucket for which you want to enable the bucket audit logging and click.
    IDrive e2
  4. Use the toggle switch to enable Bucket Audit Logging.
  5. Select the Target bucket from the dropdown. The generated log file will be stored in this destination.
    Note: The source and Target bucket should be in the same region.
  6. Enter a prefix to specify the folder where the log file will be stored in the target bucket.
  7. Click Update Bucket.
    IDrive e2

What is retention in buckets?

When retention is enabled for a bucket, any object uploaded to the bucket will automatically get locked for the duration specified in the bucket retention configuration. Retention can be configured on the web-console while creating the buckets or you can use any S3 compatible client to set various retention policies to the bucket by following JSON protocol based on your requirements.

IDrive® e2 supports the following retention modes:

Governance Mode: This will lock the object for the configured retention policy. However, users can set the "s3:BypassGovernanceRetention" permission to bypass the retention policy and modify or delete files.

Compliance Mode: This will lock the object for the configured retention policy, and no user can modify or delete the object, until that retention policy has expired.

To enable retention for a bucket,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® e2 account and navigate to the 'Buckets' tab.
  2. Click corresponding to a bucket.
  3. In the 'Bucket Summary' tab, use the toggle switch to enable/ disable 'Retention' to implement rules for object deletion and secure data against accidental deletion.
  4. Choose the preferred retention mode, duration, and validity.
  5. Click 'Update Bucket' to save the access permissions.


  • Retention applies to all the objects in a bucket.
  • Objects cannot be deleted until the retention policy has expired. Delete operation only removes the object from the default view while a locked version of the object is retained. Click to view and manage the retained version.

What is Legal Hold?

Legal hold is an additional locking mechanism that can be placed on an object in an Object Lock enabled bucket. A legal hold will prevent the modification or deletion of an object indefinitely until the legal hold has been removed. It overrides both Governance Mode, and Compliance Mode retention policies.

However, it does not remove them. After removing the legal hold, the existing Governance Mode, or Compliance Mode retention policy will still be in effect.