Healthcare facilities are under increasing pressure to evolve their operation strategy, like switching to electronic prescriptions, making online appointments, practicing remote medicine and storing large number of patient records - which are critical to sustain in the modern medical field. In fact, with everything about medical business becoming more complex, healthcare facilities and individual professionals are under constant pressure to safeguard their critical files along with complying to State and Federal mandate like HIPAA. This is where IDrive can help you with a reliable online backup solution to protect data with compliance adherence.

How Does IDrive Help You With HIPAA Compliance?

  • Data is protected with 256-bit AES encryption and transmitted securely to a vault, residing at a world-class data center in the United States.
  • Data can be archived on IDrive servers for as long as you wish to retain it.
  • Strict administrative procedures, physical safeguards, and technical security measures controls unauthorized use or disclosure of customer data.
  • With IDrive you can set a private key encryption, known only to you and not stored anywhere on our servers.
